Effortless Estate Planning


Over the years I have performed estate planning of all different shapes and sizes. Sometimes the solution can be quite complex, and I enjoy helping my clients find tax-advantaged solutions.

Most people do not want to pay $5,000 or more for an attorney to draft their estate plan. Price becomes an obstacle, and unfortunately they try to do it on their own using some dodgy service they found on the internet. The problem with most sites is that they only offer cookie cutter type plans or incomplete or piece meal documents that leave gaping holes in the plan. And like scuba diving or sky diving, with estate plans you only figure out there’s a problem when it’s too late to correct it.

Our effortless estate planning allows you to plan your estate using the same interview questionnaire and checklist that we use when we plan our client’s estate. So, instead of sitting across the desk from me and answering my questions, you can simply fill in the answers on the interview form online in your own home. The result is that you will create a customized plan for what is important to you and your family and not have a cookie cutter plan that may have big holes in it.

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