Encinitas Powers of Attorney
Why do I need a Financial Power of Attorney?
A Financial Power of Attorney is a written authorization appointing another person to act for you in a business, legal matter, or other private affair when you are incapacitated.
Powers of Attorney in Action
As an example, if I am in a terrible auto accident and am taken to the hospital in a coma, chances are I will not be able to work for a while. So, if my wife needs to raise some cash she could take out a loan against our house, since it has enough equity in it for her to raise some needed cash because of the emergency. When she goes to the bank, the banker will gladly make the loan and give her the money, but first he will ask her to sign a Note and then ask for me to sign it as well. When she tells him I can’t sign because I’m in the hospital, he’ll say, “Sorry, I can’t give you the money without both signatures.”
The Power of Attorney frees up my wife, as she can use that document to sign for me and get the needed money. In some circumstances a spouse may be unable to sign. Learn more about what to do in these circumstances.
And, a Financial Power of Attorney is not just for emergencies or accidents. Clients who are married to military personnel need a Power of Attorney sometimes when their spouse is deployed and unavailable to handle a business or family matter. Once again, the Power of Attorney can free up the spouse to deal with the matter without delay.